Professional Activities Interests:
Scientific foundations were established for the new, high-priority research brand Non-equilibrium Plasmochemistry and Technology. The same concerns physicochemical foundations of complex plasmochemical and ion-plasma processes to yield new functional materials and coats with pre-determined properties.
Fundamental research was carried out with regard to creation of new composite materials using the methods of non-equilibrium plasmochemistry and surface ion-beam modification, theoretical analysis and digital simulation accomplished for processes of task-oriented characteristic alterations of multicomponent composite materials, as well as theoretical and applied development research of plasmochemical and ion-plasma processes to yield coats and materials with pre-determined properties for operation in a wide variety of environment [1, 2].
In co-operation with Prof. V.V. Slyozov we worked out [3,5] the general theory of diffusion decomposition of multicomponent multiphase systems on the advanced stage conditioned by diffusion interaction of macrodefects. This phenomenon is of paramount importance in formation of up-to-date materials with pre-determined properties and affects their stability. The formulated criteria of thermal dimensional and phase stability of dispersions in the processes of diffusion decomposition and those regarding possibilities for plotting kinetic phase decomposition diagrams to characterise the stability of multicomponent materials. The established general theory of diffusion decomposition is of great fundamental value and describes a wide scope of physical phenomena. It may also serve to produce practical recommendations to forecast the environment-specific evolution of complex multicomponent materials with high operating temperatures.
The wide range of theoretical and practical investigations of the structure-building processes in highly non-equilibrium conditions accompanied by the non-equilibrium plasma stream precipitation allowed for creation of materials and coats with ultra-dispersed equiaxed grain structure which boast unmatched physical and chemical properties.
The materials synthesised differ from the traditional ones in quite a number of properties such as additive solvency, electrophysical characteristics, wear and corrosive resistance, tribotechnical parameters and the like. This was the first occasion of synthesising compounds (boron nitride used in semiconductor crystal growth, GaAs being a particular case), which are characterised by ultrahigh purity, runway admixtures staying at 10-4 – 10-5 atm. % which beats the best foreign competitors. The investigations of plasmochemical precipitation of expert metal-oxide systems led to creation of nanocomposite metal ceramic materials with abnormal electrophysical characteristics, namely, record-breaking values of thermal electromotive force.
We co-operated with Russian (Russian Federal Nuclear Centre Chelybinsk-70) and American (Albukerke, Sandia National Laboratories) researchers in the investigation [6-9] of formation processes and characteristics of film materials and compositions for solid oxide, high temperature electrochemical energy transformers. These are considered the most promising high-efficiency (efficiency factor in excess of 60-80%) environment-friendly power sources.
The obtained results of the research investigations of crystallisation processes under extremely non-equilibrium conditions provide scientific foundations for development of high-efficiency competitive high-end environment-friendly alternative technologies of depositing coatings, as well as industrial equipment for their wide implementation in such high-priority field of economy as nuclear energy and industry, rocket and space technology, microelectronics, optical electronics etc.
More than 20 up-to-date plasmochemical technologies were developed and commercialised in the field of special thermonuclear instrument building at the plants of Ural and Siberia.
Material Science.
· The theoretical bases of diffusive decomposition processes in solid solutions under various external effects.
· Physical-chemical aspects of dimension and phase stability of multicomponent metal and non-metal materials.
Nonequilibrium Plasmachemistry.
· Processes of structure forming at condensation in strongly nonequilibrium conditions from flows of low-temperature nonequilibrium plasma.
· Research of a structure and properties of thin and thick plasma condensates.
· Multilayer amorphous nanodispersive structures, received by plasma methods. Development of methods of receptions of materials with given properties by deposition of functional coatings.
"Hi-Tech" coating technologies
Development of base technological processes based on modifying of surfaces at implantation of ions, deposition of coatings at CVD-processes, PECVD and PEPVD - processes with reference
· to microelectronics (especially pure materials, thermal pipes, bulk of products e.a.).
· to power (high-texture and other functional materials for thermoelectric, thermoemission and electrochemical conversion of energy)
· to a high-temperature engineering (protection of high-temperature materials against atmospheric and gas corrosion at high temperatures)
· to an engineering (hardening of cutting and punching|blanking tools (including medical and pharmaceutical tools)).