Highly corrosion-proof stop and control ball vavles





Corrosion and erosion proof nanocomposite coatings


The characteristics

Coatings are deposited using nanoscale technology.

Coating hickness 30-50 mkm.

Surface rouhness not less than base.

Vivid adhesion with base (соответствующие подслои и предварительная ионно-плазменная очистка поверхности).

Очень высокая рассеивающая способность применяемых комплексных методов (возможность покрывать глухие, сквозные отверстия, резьбы и т.д.)

We can make near pore free coatings..

ball valve

Corrosion proof coatings on the parts of stop and control ball valves



 What we propose


  • Deposition corrosion-proof coatings on stop and control fittings and valves;
  • Deposition corrosion-proof coatings on stop and control fittings and valves made on demand;
  • Working out new and modified coatings on specific exploitation conditions of stop and control fittings and valves;
  • Working out stop and control fittings and valves with coatings for different aggresive medias;
  • Working out stop and control fittings and valves with coatings for corrosion-erosion proof medias;
  • Working out stop and control fittings and valves with coatings for high temperature applications.


big ball valve

Coated parts of ball valve & small valve




 Corrosion properties of coatings




Increasing corrosion and erosion proof of stop and control fittings and valves using metal and non-metal nanocomposite coatings by means compined methods PVD, CVD, diffusion and ion-plasma assisted deposition.



Proposed caotings for machine parts protection against atmospheric, gas and other types of corrosion (fuel pumps parts, engines parts, turbine blades, different fittings).

Overall dimensions of coated parts can be ~ 400х400х600 мм.

Corrosion proof of our coatings in 10-15 times higher, than that obtained by means galvanic methods under conditions of high temperature and|or high relative humidity.

The worked out coatings with success work on the nuclear power plants in the systems of steam distribution.



Nanocoatings features

Coatings are nanostructured and consist of layers of different metalls and their compositions in different (controlled) combinations with thickness ~ 5-10 nm jf each layer.

Microhardness 8000-45000 MPa (depending on coating composition).

Low temperature coatings deposition proccess with good adhesion of coatings to the base (Tprocess≤200º°С).

Automated data acquisition and control system allows us to manage basic technological parameters in a very precise way.

  coated ball

Mo coated valve seat


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