coatings Tribological properties

Разрабатываются и внедряются в промышленные изделия износостойкие покрытия для повышения эксплуатационных характеристик пар трения:

1. Coating for pair "cylinder cast iron-aluminum alloy AK-4-1"

2. Coatings for tribological pairs like "steel-bronze"

3. Coatings for tribological pairs like "steel-steel"

5. Tribological properties of Cu-MoN (nano- and micro- layered compositions) systems are under investigation

7.Tribological properties of thinfilm quasycrystalline system AlCuFe are under investigation

8.Tribological properties of thinfilm MeS systems are under investigation

9.Tribological properties of thinfilm Me-C, MeC-Me,MeC-C systems are under investigation


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